8 Proven Ways to Make Money on Amazon


More and more people use Amazon for product searches, even more than google. A whopping 50% of the online shopping market focuses on amazon’s product list for reference purposes. As a seller, or as a person looking forward to making some extra cash, amazon is a great place to do this. Leverage on the ever-rising customer base of this shopping site to make handsome returns.

There is more money to be made on Amazon, more than any other online site, probably. So, why get left out when you can join the bandwagon of sellers and magnates making millions every year on this shopping site? Here are eight legitimate and proven ways to make money on Amazon this year: 

1. The Affiliate Marketing Network

In case you are new to Amazon, then they have a network of affiliates that pays well. You can earn up to 10% commission on every product that you sell. It is easy to become an affiliate and start making vast sums of money. All you need to do is to identify which products you want to promote and get to work. First, you will need to sign up for the service, and then choose the products that you want to sell. 

After that, Amazon will give you a distinct tracking ID which you will use in your affiliate link to the product on their website. It helps them to ensure any product sold under your link gives you the commission you deserve. And this is not a complex process as you may assume it to be. It is as easy as sharing a link on your blog or social media accounts. However, you need to be creative and unique in your blogs, which will determine whether or not you make returns.

2. Sell Private Label Products

This can give you a high potential to make reasonable amounts of money. It is a million-dollar venture that can make you successful within no time. So, what does this program entail? Briefly, you need to get a product, find its manufacturer, and then begin the sale on amazon.

With this method, you have a more significant say in how the products are sold. The trick is choosing the right products that will give you easy profits against the competition. The best part is that you are assured of customers, anyway, because amazon is a massive online retailer in the world. Besides, they take care of the packaging bit and shipping of the products.

3.  Retail Arbitrage

For some reasons, certain products cost more on amazon. Providing these products to customers at lower prices can make you good profits. You will need to purchase the products and ship them for amazon, however. You can buy an item on a lower price, and then sell it for higher returns. It doesn’t translate to creating your brand, as many may assume. You will sell through Amazon, but you will source your products from local stores such as Walmart.

4. Wholesale

This involves buying products directly from the manufacturers on wholesale and then selling them at your custom prices on Amazon. It helps you to make the same profits, or even more than retail arbitrage and private label products. However, in some cases, you might also make lesser profits in the wholesale niche.

5. Selling Handmade Products

This is for the creative minds that know how to make unique products. Be it jewelry, clothing, crockery, bags, or any other products that you make, and you can earn from them through handmade amazon program. You can either choose to use the FBA for shipping or do it on your own.

6. The Amazon Merch Program

This is a relatively new platform on the site that allows you to design and sell clothes. The catch is that you won’t be involved in the stocking bit or the inventory part. This is, in essence, an effortless way to make money on the site. All it needs is your in-depth creativity, and you are good to go. So, how can one join this platform? Use the following simple ways to get going on the program:

  • Create an attractive and eye-catchy graphic design.
  • Upload the design.
  • Choose the color of fabric and a short description.

And just like that, your design will be ready for sale on the Amazon site. Sounds easy, huh? But you will have to use more of creativity, which, of course, is not easy to find around. You earn through the royalties

7. The Kindle Publishing Program

If you have books and texts that you think people can buy, then consider using the kindle publishing program. Even if you aren’t a writer, or don’t necessarily enjoy the practice, you can hire people to write for you, as you sell on the site. This is an impressive way to make money on the site without selling any physical item.

Sometimes you don’t need to be a rocket scientist to write creative pieces that people can read. So long as you have a bit of knowledge about a particular topic, you can research the rest and come up with creative pieces.

The best part is that it doesn’t take long to publish – around five minutes, and you’re done. After that, it takes around one day or so for the book to be available on their kindle stories. From the sales of your book, you can earn anywhere around 70% of the proceeds.

8. Through the Amazon Flex Program

Are you a driver, or do you own a car and don’t have an activity to earn you some extra coin? Then consider signing up for the Amazon flex program. It is a delivery program for drivers that were launched during the same period that the same-day delivery option came to life. To qualify for this platform, you need to meet the following set requirements:

  • Have at least 21 years of age.
  • Have a potent and trusted vehicle.
  • Have a mobile device or smartphone.

If you meet all of the above requirements, then you can download their flex app and get to work. The best part is that you decide how many hours you want to work every week. You can earn anywhere from $18 to $25 for every hour.

What’s the Next

Amazon is the largest eCommerce giant, without contradiction. You too, can have a slice of the amazon cake and make good returns. There are numerous ways you can use to achieve this, as mentioned earlier in the text. There are several other ways that you can use, but the above are the primary ones. So, what are you waiting for? Start your hustle today, and make that extra coin.


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