12 Easy Ways for College Students to Make Money Online

Almost every college student needs extra cash for tuition, supplies, or living expenses. They could get some jobs on campus, as there are some jobs available to them. But it can be quite challenging to work between volunteer activities, classes and social engagements, which is why the internet has made things easier.

Now there exist numerous ways in which college students can make money online, by simply being available online for some hours, which is nothing new to them. These online jobs are flexible, adjustable to your schedule that from the comfort of your dorm or anywhere you may be. You can earn money you need to make your in college quite pleasant.

Here, I would be presenting some 12 ways you can make money online as a college student. So strap in and let’s begin.

1. Blogging

Regardless of how you want to make money online, you will have to attract an audience and, one of the best ways to do that is by blogging. Starting a blog has been said to be the #1 way to grow your online presence. Although this process might take a while, it can prove to be very lucrative depending on the effort you put into it.

Some makeup to a 7- figure income from just blogging — it is all about your content. After you get the audience, you can decide to earn from your blog through paid advertisement, affiliate product reviews, or you can even choose to sell your products online.

The essential thing to note about blogging is providing content of value to readers. Try to be specific to a subject you enjoy writing on. Write down ideas and take action. Then you decide a host for your website. There are numerous options, some are free, and some are not.

2. Social Media Manager

It is basically like getting paid to do what you enjoy, spend hours on social media, posting, and comments. Companies try to avoid the expenses of using a permanent employee. So instead, they pay an independent contractor to handle their account.

All you have to do is be online, build awareness for their brand, create trends for them, and foster relationships with potential customers. To begin, approach local businesses or places you already go to; coffee shops, restaurants, boutiques and offer your services to them.

3. Writing and Proofreading

This is one I have personally engaged in. Writing is a lucrative and easy job that any college student who has a flair for writing and has excellent grammatical skills should engage in. If you do not get a job with prominent media outlets, you can quickly start by registering on Upwork, where you get clients who pay for you to write articles, scripts for them. You could also proofread for authors, websites, and blogs at your leisure time, and get paid.

4. Virtual Assistant

If you did not know this before, now know that you can earn money online by handling the administrative work of companies, such as emails, organization and so on. All you need for this job is a laptop with access to the internet and willingness to dedicate a few hours to administrative work.

5. Freelance

You could earn money by doing gigs on some sites like Upwork and Fiverr. Although these jobs do not pay much, they are quite simple tasks that can be completed between classes such as; typing text or identifying pictures. You do more tasks daily, and you earn more daily.

6. Web Developer

If you are a college student already grounded in programming or coding, then it’s high time you started making money from it.  You could earn lots of cash from creating websites for clients online, plus it improves your skills. For beginners in coding, it is not that difficult, learn the basics of programming such as the languages and begin with small jobs of just editing existing websites before advancing to fully developing sites from scratch.

7. Vlog on YouTube

Video bogging on YouTube is also another way to make money online. If you are good at video, you can channel it away from Instagram stories and snapchat into vlogging on YouTube and make money from advertisements as your subscribers increase.

8. Transcription from Audio to Text

You can consider transcription work if you’re a fast typist. Often, podcasters want to transcribe their podcasts from audio to text so it can be posted online, which brings about the high demand for transcribers. It is quite easy, although it might seem difficult initially but eventually becomes natural.

9. Translator

That second language you were made to learn as a child just might come in handy. If you effectively understand a foreign or second language, you could work as a translator online, either oral translation or written. In some cases, a degree is not needed for this work, just a sample document illustrating the level of your proficiency in that language.

10.  Search Engine Optimization

Also known as SEO, search engine optimization is a way by which blogs and firms optimize their contents to pop up higher on searches. This job can be quite lucrative, depending on your level of efficiency. It’s best suited for an analytical person.

11. Survey Taker

This may not be the fun and pays low per survey, but the tasks are simple and can be quickly completed for more to be done. It can also be flexible to your schedule. It involves filling out surveys online and can be done on various websites such as; Swagbucks survey, Opinion Outpost, and Survey Junkie.  Companies use data of customers gotten from these survey sites to improve their products which is why they are willing to pay someone to watch videos or play a game.

12. Graphic Designer

Last on this list is graphic designing, which is similar to web development. College students can make money by designing logos, flyers, business cards, etc. Approach local businesses around you and offer your graphic designing services to them. Also, some blogs use freelance designers to create Pinterest pins. All these are points to note.

There are many other ways for a college student to earn money online, but these are just the ones I would be highlighting for you. I hope you pick at least one, try it out and start earning online as a student today.

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